Children's ministry can seem to be daunting at times. But - remembering that they are people and working to make it their children's ministry can make a big difference. Get down on their level and ask them what they like about your program and what they do not like - you will be surprised at the answers sometimes, but it will help you find your way. Remember - it is all about helping the kids find their way to Jesus and through the Bible and it can be a chore or a delight. I vote for delight!
(I forgot to put that this blog is for all) This blog is for us to share our ideas - what works and what does not work for us. Everyone please share. We learn from each other.
ReplyDeleteIn October, I agreed to work on writing lessons and getting everything together for the pre-K class at our church each Sunday. What an education THIS is!! My daughter found this website, which has wonderful ideas: We went through them and chose two units to adapt for our church's pre-K class ... but we quickly figured out that all were meant for children of ages 4-6, but our church's pre-K classes are for ages 3-5. VERY different "ballgame," for sure! The lessons here are terrific and easily adaptable to whatever a church's needs/wants are, but not for 3 year olds! Example: We put together everything needed for the In the Beginning unit, but we quickly learned two things: 1) There is no regular teacher for the first-service pre-K class (and only one child who is there regularly), and 2) 3-year-olds just want to play with the blocks or whatever's in the room. No lesson for THEM!!
ReplyDeleteSo we are scouring around for lessons that will WORK for this age group. If anyone knows of anything successful that we can use or adapt, please PLEASE let me know!!
We have our kids separated into four groups - nursery babies - 3 yrs old; 4 yr olds - 1st grade; 2nd & 3rd grade; and 4th, 5th & 6th grades. For the children above nursery age we do have a curriculum that fits most of the time - taking that into consideration we do spend some hours tweaking things to fit our demographic. For the nursery, we too realize, 2 & 3 year old's just do not want to sit and learn. We are getting a TV with DVD player for our nursery (actually the TV was donated) and we have several good Christian DVD's so while the kids are playing with blocks or coloring they are still hearing and sometimes seeing the Bible stories. There are a lot of great places on the web - one is Danielle's Place another - where you can download Christian coloring pages for free and there are dozens of great DVDs on Christian themes. Hope this helps a little with your issue.